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Do you fly with Subsidy?

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Pioneers in the development of Private and Commercial aviation in Chilean Patagonia

Leaders since 1966

Historia Aerocord


Since 1966 we connect people and stories, adding thousands of hours of flights of experience.


Connoisseurs of the geography and weather of the extreme south and patagonia. 

Our Clients

 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
 Cliente de Aerocord
Mapa destinos

Puerto Montt - Chaiten

Puerto Montt - Melinka


We operate from any aerodrome in Chile and abroad

Regular Fligths

Itinerary and private flights (consult for availability)

Our Destinations

We have daily departures 365 days a year, from the La Paloma aerodrome located in the city of Puerto Montt. Get to know our destinations and enjoy as you like.


Vuelo Puerto Montt a Chaitén
Compra online de pasaje
Aeronave Aerocord Hangar

Schedule Flights

Itinerary flights from Puerto Montt to Patagonia 

Aeronave Aeocord Coyhaique

Flights Charter

Transfers in high capacity aircraft

Vuelos charter

Flights load

Helicoptero aerocord

Services specials